Welcome to the World of Tarot! Your Essential Guide to Understanding the Tarot Card Meanings Tarot is a powerful tool for self-discovery, reflection, and gaining insight into life's journey. It's a deck of 78 cards, each rich with symbolism and meaning, that can help you tap into your intuition, explore your inner landscape, and navigate the path ahead. This cheat sheet is designed as a simplified guide for beginners, providing you with a quick reference to the basic meanings of each card. While it's a great starting point, remember that the Tarot is a vast and complex system. We encourage you to continue your exploration beyond this guide, delving deeper into the rich symbolism and developing your own unique interpretations as you gain experience. There is no right or wrong way to interpret each card. Understanding the Structure of the Tarot The Tarot deck is divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana: These 22 cards represent the major life lessons, archetypal energies, and spiritual themes that we encounter on our journey. Think of them as the "big picture" cards, reflecting significant turning points, karmic influences, and the overarching narrative of your life. They are numbered from 0 (The Fool) to XXI (The World). The Minor Arcana: These 56 cards represent the day-to-day events, challenges, and experiences that shape our lives. They offer insights into our relationships, emotions, thoughts, and material circumstances. The Minor Arcana is further divided into four suits, each associated with a specific element and area of life: Wands (Fire): Passion, creativity, action, willpower, and career. Cups (Water): Emotions, relationships, intuition, love, and connection. Swords (Air): Intellect, challenges, communication, thoughts, and conflict. Pentacles (Earth): Material world, abundance, security, finances, and the physical body. Each suit contains numbered cards from Ace to Ten, as well as four Court Cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. These Court Cards often represent people in our lives or aspects of our own personalities. Pages are seen as messengers, students or beginnings. Knights are seen as action, drive and ambition. Queens are seen as nurturing, mature and masters of their domain. Kings are seen as the rulers, the leaders, and the stable, in control energy. Your Journey Begins Now The card meanings provided on the following pages offer a starting point for understanding the Tarot. As you work with the cards, trust your intuition, pay attention to the imagery, and allow the meanings to unfold organically. Each reading is a unique conversation between you and your higher self. Enjoy your journey of exploration and discovery with the Tarot! The more you practice and connect to the cards the more you will see your abilities to read Tarot grow. Download this post ...by clicking this link the PDF version of this post (quick reference guide) will open in your web browser. Tarot Card Keywords and Meanings Your Quick Reference Guide: Unlock the Meanings of All 78 Cards Major and Minor Arcana on the following pages… Major Arcana: Journey of the Soul 0 - The Fool Keywords Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, freedom, faith Upright Meanings New journey, trust your path, embrace the unknown. Reversed Meanings Recklessness, fear, holding back, bad choices, naivety. I - The Magician Keywords Power, skill, manifestation, action, resourcefulness Upright Meanings Use your skills, manifest your desires, take action. Reversed Meanings Manipulation, lack of power, illusion, creative blocks, untapped potential. II - The High Priestess Keywords Intuition, mystery, subconscious, wisdom, spirituality Upright Meanings Trust your intuition, seek inner wisdom, embrace mystery. Reversed Meanings Repressed intuition, secrets, hidden agendas, confusion, withdrawal. III - The Empress Keywords Fertility, abundance, nurturing, nature, motherhood Upright Meanings Embrace abundance, nurture yourself and others. Reversed Meanings Neglect, creative blocks, smothering, lack, insecurity. IV - The Emperor Keywords Structure, authority, control, leadership, fatherhood Upright Meanings Take control, establish order, be a leader. Reversed Meanings Tyranny, rigidity, lack of control, weak foundations, domination. V - The Hierophant Keywords Tradition, guidance, spirituality, learning, conformity Upright Meanings Seek guidance, learn from tradition, embrace spirituality. Reversed Meanings Rebellion, nonconformity, challenging tradition, hypocrisy, bad advice. VI - The Lovers Keywords Love, union, choices, harmony, relationships Upright Meanings Make choices from the heart, embrace love. Reversed Meanings Imbalance, disharmony, bad choices, infidelity, separation. VII - The Chariot Keywords Willpower, victory, determination, action, control Upright Meanings Move forward with determination, overcome obstacles. Reversed Meanings Lack of direction, loss of control, aggression, scattered energy. VIII - Strength Keywords Inner strength, courage, compassion, control, patience Upright Meanings Be courageous, show compassion, tame your inner beast. Reversed Meanings Weakness, self-doubt, lack of control, giving up, force. IX - The Hermit Keywords Introspection, solitude, wisdom, guidance, searching Upright Meanings Seek inner wisdom, reflect, find your own way. Reversed Meanings Loneliness, isolation, withdrawal, lost, confusion. X - Wheel of Fortune Keywords Destiny, cycles, change, luck, turning point Upright Meanings Embrace change, trust the cycles of life. Reversed Meanings Bad luck, resisting change, delays, setbacks, upheaval. XI - Justice Keywords Fairness, balance, truth, law, responsibility Upright Meanings Seek justice, act with integrity, be accountable. Reversed Meanings Injustice, imbalance, dishonesty, legal issues, unfairness. XII - The Hanged Man Keywords Surrender, letting go, sacrifice, perspective, new view Upright Meanings Release control, gain new perspective, pause. Reversed Meanings Stalling, stagnation, unwillingness to change, fear of sacrifice, indecision. XIII - Death Keywords Transformation, endings, new beginnings, change, release Upright Meanings Embrace change, let go of the past. Reversed Meanings Resistance to change, fear of endings, decay, stagnation. XIV - Temperance Keywords Balance, moderation, harmony, patience, purpose Upright Meanings Find balance, practice moderation, be patient. Reversed Meanings Imbalance, excess, lack of harmony, impatience, conflict. XV - The Devil Keywords Bondage, materialism, temptation, shadow self, addiction Upright Meanings Face your shadow, break free from limitations. Reversed Meanings Freedom, release, reclaiming power, overcoming addiction. XVI - The Tower Keywords Upheaval, chaos, sudden change, revelation, awakening Upright Meanings Embrace radical change, rebuild on new foundations. Reversed Meanings Avoidance of change, fear of upheaval, clinging to the old. XVII - The Star Keywords Hope, inspiration, faith, healing, renewal Upright Meanings Have faith, find hope, embrace healing. Reversed Meanings Despair, lack of faith, feeling lost, discouragement. VIII - The Moon Keywords Illusion, intuition, subconscious, dreams, emotions Upright Meanings Trust your intuition, explore your subconscious. Reversed Meanings Confusion, fear, repressed emotions, deception, misunderstanding. XIX - The Sun Keywords Joy, success, vitality, clarity, happiness Upright Meanings Embrace joy, celebrate success, shine brightly. Reversed Meanings Sadness, lack of clarity, blocked energy, negativity. XX - Judgement Keywords Awakening, rebirth, absolution, calling, reckoning Upright Meanings Answer your calling, embrace a new chapter. Reversed Meanings Self-doubt, fear of change, ignoring the call, denial. XXI - The World Keywords Completion, wholeness, integration, travel, fulfillment Upright Meanings Celebrate completion, embrace wholeness, new beginnings. Reversed Meanings Incompletion, lack of closure, delays, emptiness. Minor Arcana: Suit of Wands - Passion, Creativity, Action 01 - Ace of Wands Keywords Inspiration, new beginnings, creation, potential, passion Upright Meanings A spark of creativity, new passion, exciting start. Reversed Meanings Delays, lack of motivation, creative blocks, wasted potential. 02 - Two of Wands Keywords Planning, decisions, discovery, travel, preparation Upright Meanings Make plans for the future, consider your options. Reversed Meanings Indecision, lack of planning, fear of unknown, cancelled plans. 03 - Three of Wands Keywords Expansion, foresight, progress, overseas, growth Upright Meanings Your plans are taking shape, look ahead. Reversed Meanings Obstacles, delays, lack of progress, failed plans. 04 – Four of Wands Keywords Celebration, joy, harmony, community, homecoming Upright Meanings Celebrate milestones, enjoy stability and support. Reversed Meanings Instability, lack of support, conflict, delayed celebration. 05 - Five of Wands Keywords Conflict, competition, disagreement, tension, struggle Upright Meanings Embrace healthy competition, navigate disagreements. Reversed Meanings Avoidance of conflict, suppressing competition, internal conflict. 06 – Six of Wands Keywords Victory, success, recognition, public, praise Upright Meanings Celebrate your achievements, enjoy recognition. Reversed Meanings Delay in recognition, self-doubt, egotism, failure. 07 – Seven of Wands Keywords Challenge, perseverance, defense, protection, standing your ground Upright Meanings Stand your ground, defend your position. Reversed Meanings Giving up, yielding to pressure, exhaustion, defeat. 08 – Eight of Wands Keywords Speed, action, movement, travel, quick decisions Upright Meanings Things are moving quickly, embrace the momentum. Reversed Meanings Delays, slowing down, resisting change, scattered energy. 09 – Nine of Wands Keywords Resilience, courage, persistence, test of faith, boundaries Upright Meanings You're almost there, keep going, don't give up. Reversed Meanings Exhaustion, giving up, overwhelmed, defensive, paranoia. 10 – Ten of Wands Keywords Burden, responsibility, stress, obligation, completion Upright Meanings You're carrying a heavy load, delegate, release. Reversed Meanings Burnout, inability to cope, collapse, refusing help. PA – Page of Wands Keywords Enthusiasm, exploration, free spirit, new ideas, discovery Upright Meanings Be open to new ideas, embrace your enthusiasm. Reversed Meanings Immaturity, lack of direction, hesitancy, creative blocks. KN – Knight of Wands Keywords Energy, passion, adventure, impulsiveness, action Upright Meanings Take bold action, pursue your passions. Reversed Meanings Impulsiveness, recklessness, scattered energy, frustration, delays. QU – Queen of Wands Keywords Confidence, warmth, creativity, determination, leadership Upright Meanings Lead with confidence and passion, be creative. Reversed Meanings Jealousy, insecurity, demanding, aggression, selfishness. KI – King of Wands Keywords Vision, leadership, authority, big picture, taking charge Upright Meanings Be a visionary leader, take control of your destiny. Ruthlessness, impulsiveness, arrogance, high-handed, domineering. Reversed Meanings Ruthlessness, impulsiveness, arrogance, high-handed, domineering. Minor Arcana: Suit of Cups - Emotions, Relationships, Intuition 01 - Ace of Cups Keywords Love, new beginnings, emotions, intuition, compassion Upright Meanings New love, emotional awakening, follow your heart. Reversed Meanings Repressed emotions, blocked creativity, emotional loss, sadness. 02 – Two of Cups Keywords Unity, partnership, connection, love, attraction Upright Meanings New love, emotional awakening, follow your heart. Reversed Meanings Repressed emotions, blocked creativity, emotional loss, sadness. 03 – Three of Cups Keywords Celebration, friendship, community, joy, collaboration Upright Meanings Celebrate with loved ones, enjoy your community. Reversed Meanings Gossip, isolation, overindulgence, scandal, "three's a crowd". 04 – Four of Cups Keywords Apathy, contemplation, re-evaluation, boredom, withdrawal Upright Meanings Reflect on your feelings, consider your options. Reversed Meanings Missed opportunities, despair, depression, detachment, boredom. 05 – Five of Cups Keywords Loss, grief, disappointment, sadness, regret Upright Meanings Acknowledge your loss, grieve, and move on. Reversed Meanings Acceptance, moving on, forgiveness, finding peace. 06 – Six of Cups Keywords Nostalgia, memories, healing, innocence, reunion Upright Meanings Embrace happy memories, reconnect with your past. Reversed Meanings Clinging to the past, unrealistic expectations, disappointment. 07 – Seven of Cups Keywords Choices, illusions, opportunities, decisions, wishful thinking Upright Meanings Explore your options, make a choice, be realistic. Reversed Meanings Confusion, lack of clarity, temptation, overwhelmed, procrastination. 08 – Eight of Cups Keywords Walking away, letting go, searching, withdrawal, abandonment Upright Meanings Move on from what no longer serves you. Reversed Meanings Fear of change, staying in a bad situation, aimlessness. 09 – Nine of Cups Keywords Wishes fulfilled, satisfaction, happiness, contentment, gratitude Upright Meanings Your wishes are coming true, enjoy your happiness. Reversed Meanings Dissatisfaction, greed, materialism, unfulfilled wishes. 10 – Ten of Cups Keywords Happiness, harmony, fulfillment, family, alignment Upright Meanings Experience emotional fulfillment, love, and joy. Reversed Meanings Broken home, disharmony, neglect, misalignment. PA – Page of Cups Keywords Creativity, intuition, sensitivity, messenger, emotions Upright Meanings Embrace your creativity, trust your intuition. Reversed Meanings Emotional immaturity, insecurity, creative blocks, moodiness. KN – Knight of Cups Keywords Romance, charm, idealism, imagination, following your heart Upright Meanings Follow your heart, embrace romance and beauty. Reversed Meanings Unrealistic expectations, jealousy, moodiness, disappointment. QU – Queen of Cups Keywords Compassion, empathy, intuition, emotional intelligence, love Upright Meanings Be compassionate, trust your intuitive wisdom. Reversed Meanings Emotional manipulation, insecurity, martyrdom, co-dependency. KI – King of Cups Keywords Wisdom, diplomacy, emotional control, balance, compassion Upright Meanings Lead with compassion and understanding, be balanced. Reversed Meanings Emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility, repression. Minor Arcana: Suit of Swords - Intellect, Challenges, Communication 01 - Ace of Swords Keywords Breakthrough, clarity, new ideas, truth, focus Upright Meanings A new idea, clarity, a breakthrough in thinking. Reversed Meanings Confusion, miscommunication, hostility, mental fog, destruction. 02 – Two of Swords Keywords Difficult choices, stalemate, impasse, avoidance, indecision Upright Meanings You're at a crossroads, weigh your options carefully. Reversed Meanings Indecision, anxiety, confusion, information overload, no right choice. 03 – Three of Swords Keywords Heartbreak, pain, grief, separation, betrayal Upright Meanings Acknowledge your pain, heal from heartbreak. Reversed Meanings Healing, forgiveness, moving on, recovery, optimism. 04 – Four of Swords Keywords Rest, recovery, contemplation, peace, meditation Upright Meanings Restlessness, burnout, stress, lack of progress, stagnation. Reversed Meanings Confusion, miscommunication, hostility, mental fog, destruction. 05 – Five of Swords Keywords Conflict, disagreement, betrayal, loss, defeat Upright Meanings Choose your battles wisely, not all are worth fighting. Reversed Meanings Reconciliation, resolution, forgiveness, moving past conflict. 06 – Six of Swords Keywords Transition, moving on, healing, travel, leaving baggage behind Upright Meanings Move towards calmer waters, leave the past behind. Reversed Meanings Resistance to change, emotional baggage, stuck in the past. 07 – Seven of Swords Keywords Deception, theft, betrayal, strategy, sneaking Upright Meanings Be mindful of deception, protect yourself and your assets. Reversed Meanings Confession, exposure, facing consequences, honesty. 08 – Eight of Swords Keywords Trapped, restricted, limited, powerless, victim mentality Upright Meanings You have more power than you think, break free. Reversed Meanings Freedom, release, taking control, new perspective. 09 – Nine of Swords Keywords Anxiety, worry, fear, nightmares, overthinking Upright Meanings Face your fears, seek support, find peace of mind. Reversed Meanings Despair, hopelessness, severe anxiety, insomnia, finding light. 10 – Ten of Swords Keywords Failure, ruin, betrayal, endings, pain Upright Meanings This too shall pass, a new beginning awaits, rock bottom. Reversed Meanings Recovery, survival, healing, getting back up again. PA – Page of Swords Keywords Curiosity, mental agility, new ideas, learning, truth-seeking Upright Meanings Be curious, seek knowledge, communicate clearly. Reversed Meanings Gossip, immaturity, lies, lack of planning, cynicism. KN – Knight of Swords Keywords Assertiveness, directness, ambition, action, courage Upright Meanings Be bold, take action, fight for what you believe in. Reversed Meanings Impulsiveness, aggression, conflict, arrogance, lack of direction. QU – Queen of Swords Keywords Independence, clarity, honesty, intelligence, directness Upright Meanings Be honest, communicate clearly, use your intellect. Reversed Meanings Coldness, bitterness, manipulation, cruelty, deceit. KI – King of Swords Keywords Authority, truth, ethics, law, power Upright Meanings Lead with integrity, seek justice, be fair. Reversed Meanings Tyranny, abuse of power, manipulation, coldness, injustice. Minor Arcana: Suit of Pentacles - Material World, Abundance, Security 01 - Ace of Pentacles Keywords New opportunity, prosperity, abundance, manifestation, new venture Upright Meanings A new financial or career opportunity, a fresh start. Reversed Meanings Missed opportunity, lack of planning, scarcity, instability. 02 – Two of Pentacles Keywords Balance, adaptability, time management, prioritization, flexibility Upright Meanings Juggle multiple priorities, maintain balance in your life. Reversed Meanings Imbalance, overwhelm, disorganization, financial strain. 03 – Three of Pentacles Keywords Teamwork, collaboration, learning, skills, growth Upright Meanings Work together, build your skills, achieve your goals. Reversed Meanings Lack of teamwork, poor workmanship, lack of growth, stagnation. 04 – Four of Pentacles Keywords Security, stability, saving, control, possessiveness Upright Meanings Be mindful of your resources, save for the future. Reversed Meanings Greed, materialism, stinginess, financial insecurity, loss. 05 – Five of Pentacles Keywords Hardship, poverty, lack, isolation, insecurity Upright Meanings You are not alone, seek support, have faith. Reversed Meanings Recovery, finding assistance, overcoming hardship, positive change. 06 – Six of Pentacles Keywords Generosity, charity, sharing, giving and receiving, gratitude Upright Meanings Give and receive with an open heart, be generous. Reversed Meanings Unpaid debts, stinginess, power imbalance, abuse of generosity. 07 – Seven of Pentacles Keywords Patience, investment, long-term, growth, rewards Upright Meanings Be patient, your efforts will pay off, long-term vision. Reversed Meanings Lack of vision, limited success, impatience, frustration, delays. 08 – Eight of Pentacles Keywords Skill, craftsmanship, dedication, quality, commitment Upright Meanings Focus on your craft, work hard, improve your skills. Reversed Meanings Workaholism, poor quality, lack of commitment, boredom. 09 – Nine of Pentacles Keywords Abundance, luxury, self-sufficiency, independence, success Upright Meanings Enjoy the fruits of your labor, be independent. Reversed Meanings Financial problems, dependence, loneliness, reckless spending. 10 – Ten of Pentacles Keywords Wealth, inheritance, family, legacy, establishment Upright Meanings Enjoy financial security and family prosperity. Reversed Meanings Financial failure, family conflict, instability, debt, burden. PA – Page of Pentacles Keywords Manifestation, skill development, new learning, financial opportunity Upright Meanings Explore new opportunities, be open to learning. Reversed Meanings Immaturity, procrastination, laziness, missed opportunity. KN – Knight of Pentacles Keywords Responsibility, hard work, efficiency, routine, practicality Upright Meanings Be responsible, work hard, stay focused on your goals. Reversed Meanings Boredom, laziness, stagnation, lack of ambition, irresponsibility. QU – Queen of Pentacles Keywords Nurturing, practical, abundance, security, homebody Upright Meanings Nurture yourself and others, create a comfortable home. Reversed Meanings Work-life imbalance, smothering, insecurity, greed, self-neglect. KI – King of Pentacles Keywords Wealth, success, leadership, abundance, provider Upright Meanings Be a responsible leader, enjoy your success. Reversed Meanings Financial instability, greed, stubbornness, recklessness, exploitation. Download this post ...by clicking this link the PDF version of this post (quick reference guide) will open in your web browser.